Insight for Today
A Daily Devotional by Chuck Swindoll DAILY DEVOTIONAL
Marks of Integrity
February 17, 2019
by Charles R. Swindoll
Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 11:28, 31
Thanks to the Word of God, we can list several marks of integrity that God would have us appropriate into our lives. Do you have these marks of integrity?
An excellent attitude
Faithfulness and diligence at work
Personal purity of the highest caliber
Consistency in your walk with God
You have the scalpel in your hand. Self-examination is up to you. It is not only a good idea, it’s a biblical imperative.
A reminder: Only you can do the surgery on your soul, only you. No one else can know the truth. You can cover up, twist the facts in your mind, rationalize, and ignore . . . and no one will know the difference—no one except you. But if you really want to strengthen your grip on integrity, you will come to terms with the whole truth, regardless of the consequences.
Read the Book of Daniel to see the biblical picture of integrity. Daniel refused to compromise and consequently was thrown into the lions’ den. Look what God did. He honored Daniel’s faithfulness. He’ll do the same for you.
Sometimes when you exhibit real, unvarnished integrity, you get dumped into the lions’ den. Remember, God’s there, too!
To grow in integrity, only you can do the needed surgery on your soul. No one else knows the full truth.
— Charles R. Swindoll