Daily Devotions


Daily Devotions

God is at Work in Your Life

February 22, 2019

“He knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” Job 23:10 NIV

It’s a mistake to compare yourself to other people, because God has a plan for you that’s unique and personal. His methods may sometimes seem strange and His training laborious, but His results are always worth waiting for. Without scams and games He accomplishes His purpose in our lives, and all He asks us to do is trust and obey. It’s that simple. In the midst of unspeakable heartache and trouble, notice three things Job said about God: (1) “He knows the way that I take.” The path you are on today is the one God chose for you, and He never makes mistakes. And even when you don’t know where He is, God knows where you are because He never takes His eye off of you. (2) “When he has tested me.” The word “when” means God has established a set time for testing you, and a set time for bringing you out of the test. Aren’t you glad He’s the One who’s testing you, and not people? Would you trust anyone other than Him to take you through this learning curve? Of course you wouldn’t. (3) “I will come forth as gold.” When God gets through refining you and removing the impurities from your life, you will shine like pure and precious gold. The process always precedes the promise. When the dross has been discarded and the fear removed, some people may wonder how such a vessel could have been made from such poor material. They may even ask if you’re the same person. When they do, just say “No!”

See also  Jentezen Franklin Daily Devotionals 2nd November – God Ideas.

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