‘Divine Disappointment?’
…[God] regretted that he had made man on the earth…
- Genesis 6:6
Today’s Scripture readings are not meant for comfort. In the first reading, God is saying he is sorry for having created humans. They are out of control, giving in to their every whim and passion with no regard for God’s directions. But then God recalled that Noah and his family had remained faithful, so he decided to spare them from the disastrous flood that was coming.
In today’s gospel, Jesus appears to have lost patience with his disciples. He tries to warn them against “the yeast” of the self-righteous Pharisees and the self-indulgent King Herod. But the disciples assumed he was scolding them for not bringing enough bread for their trip across the lake. So Jesus reminds them that he has the power to provide food. It’s their spiritual hungers that he’s concerned about. Our culture keeps trying to dazzle and distract us from what is spiritually life-giving. That is why we need to pray, ponder the Scriptures and nourish our spirits with the Bread of Life in the Eucharist.
- Fr. Martin Pable, O.F.M. Cap.