DAILY DEVOTIONS: Feb 8 ‘Seemingly Elusive, but Present’


‘Seemingly Elusive, but Present’
St. Jerome Emiliani, St. Josephine Bakhita
Your presence, O LORD, I seek!

  • Psalm 27:8
    As a child, I would often read my parent’s Bible hoping to learn more about this God who seemed so elusive. I longed for an extraordinary encounter like those that the saints experienced. But, to my great disappointment, my efforts proved fruitless. It was an early lesson in the truth that God cannot be manipulated. I learned that spiritual highs are not the goal of the relationship.

I began to understand that God is present when love is present–when my dying mother was unable to eat or drink and I would wet her lips with a small sponge. As difficult as those moments were, I recognized the suffering Christ in her and realized that we see God’s face whenever we open our hearts to the weak and vulnerable.
Compassionate God, may I recognize your presence in those in need.

  • Terri Mifek
See also  DAILY DEVOTIONS: Jun 4 'Sharing Burdens'

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