Daily Devotions JESUS IS COMING AGAIN! March 04, 2019


Daily Devotions

March 04, 2019

“Be ready…the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Mt 24:44 NIV

Jesus warned, “Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many” (v. 11 NKJV). In our generation there have been high-profile preachers who set specific dates for Christ’s second coming, and when it didn’t happen, the press jumped all over it. That having been said, Jesus is coming again! In Scripture it is referenced more than 300 times. Charles Swindoll says: “Critics have denied it. Cynics have scorned it. Scholars have ignored it. Liberal theologians have tried to explain it away (they call that ‘re-thinking it.’) Fanatics have perverted it. And some have sarcastically said, ‘Where is the promise of his coming?’ (2Pe 3:4). Jesus’ return has always been attacked, misused, and denied. But still it stands, solid as a rock, offering real hope in the midst of despair and unbelief. You say, ‘What should I do while I’m waiting?’ First, understand what you shouldn’t do. Don’t sit around listening for a bugle call or looking for a rapture cloud. Don’t quit your job, and don’t set a date. Instead use the time to get your act together. Live every day like it’s your last, but work like Jesus isn’t coming back for another ten years. Shake your ‘salt’ and shine your ‘light’ wherever you go (See Mt 5:13-16). Remain balanced, cheerful, winsome, committed, and stable, anticipating the day of His return. And if you’re not sure you’re ready, get your ticket immediately. As long as they’re available, they’re free. But if you’re wise you won’t wait! What good is a ticket when the event is over?” Today accept Jesus as your Savior and be ready when He returns.


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