‘The Giveaway’
St. Casimir
Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, “…Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor…” At that statement, his face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.
- Mark 10:21-22
I decluttered my home recently. I shredded old paperwork, recycled containers and donated countless items to charity. It was a grueling, seemingly endless affair. Now, when I read today’s Scripture, I imagine the young man is sad, not because he’s unwilling to part with his possessions, but because he knows how much work it will be!
God’s call to us is often like this. It can seem overwhelming. God sometimes asks more than we think we can give. So we don’t do what’s right because we can’t do it all right away. When that happens, maybe we can focus on doing something instead–forgive one person who has hurt us, donate one bag of clothes, offer one new fragment of our heart to God. Maybe if we focus on today, we’ll come to trust that God will take care of forever.
Lord God, help me respond to your call.
- Karla Manternach