‘Profit and Loss’
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity
What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?
- Luke 9:25
This is a good question for our times. Gaining the whole word spells “SUCCESS.” There is nothing wrong with success as long as it gives us not just the so-called “good life,” but also true life. How does one move from living the good life to losing one’s life? It can happen to any of us. Caught up in my own small world, I stop noticing anything but myself.
I fail to notice that my opinions need a facelift, or that the compassion I once had is swiftly fading away. I fail to notice that the poor are with us at times other than Christmas. I fail to notice that I am becoming intolerant and unable to listen to others. I fail to notice simple beauty, like the dew drop on the blade of grass that is shimmering in the sunlight. I fail to hear the song of the bird or see the tear or the smile in the eyes of a child.
And so, I fail to truly live.
- Sr. Macrina Wiederkehr, O.S.B.