DAILY DEVOTIONS: ‘Revved Up for Lent’
Lenten Weekday
I am the LORD.
- Leviticus 19:16
Our inner engines are revved for this Lenten journey of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Perhaps we are trying to free ourselves from a list of rules or minutiae beyond our reach as we prepare our Lenten practices.
Yet today’s Scriptural reading from the Book of Leviticus is legislative and creates in us a tendency to skip over this passage with a personal “Not Applicable.” But Leviticus is a call to mainstream God’s thinking into our own, to dig deeper into the challenges of our everyday life, to “be holy [as] God [is] holy” (verse 2). These laws can be far more demanding than we realize, stretching our commitment to life and to one another. Four times today we hear the proclamation, “I am the Lord.” May these four words be our strength during this Lenten walk and sustain us until Easter and beyond!
- Sr. Bridget Haase, O.S.U.