DAILY DEVOTIONS Shining Light in Our Circle of Influence FEBRUARY 24, 2019


Shining Light in Our Circle of Influence
FEBRUARY 24, 2019

Matthew 5:14-16

Jesus is the Light of the world, and as His followers, we too are to be lights that reflect Him. Although light serves various purposes, the primary goal is to shine brightly so others will glorify God and be drawn to Christ. Therefore, to shine as successfully as possible, we should keep the following truths in mind:

Light shines most effectively when it is not hidden (Matt. 5:15). Have you tried to hide the fact that you’re a Christian in order to gain acceptance? As lights, we are to be transparent about our faith and love for the Lord.

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Light is brightest when the lamp is kept clean (Luke 11:34). Since people are quick to spot hypocrisy, we must eliminate sinful attitudes and practices, which dim our testimony for Jesus.

Light reveals what’s hidden in the darkness (John 3:20). The Holy Spirit uses our character and actions to shine truth into others’ lives, revealing what they are lacking—righteousness. They may initially feel uncomfortable or guilty as the Spirit does His convicting work, but this is an essential step for salvation.

Light serves to warn of danger and guide to safety (Eph. 5:11-14). God is the one who reveals people’s sinful condition and need for a Savior. As He does, we can share what the Lord has done to reconcile sinful mankind to Himself through His Son: Jesus Christ’s death on the cross paid our sin debt in full so we could be forgiven and have eternal life.

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To have a strong impact, we must reflect the light of God’s Son by growing in Christlikeness and becoming intentional about shining our light in our circles of influence—namely, our homes, workplaces, and communities.

Bible in One Year: Deuteronomy 9-11

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