God Promises He Will Comfort Us and Establish His Good Works In Us – (2nd Thessalonians 2:16-17)
Bible Promise
I will comfort you with My everlasting encouragement.
Verse Text
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.
Reading Notes
We through the Holy Spirit’s guidance and His strength working in us, have a peace and joy which the world cannot understand, because through the power of God, we are firmly grounded in Christ Jesus our Lord. Who because of His everlasting love for us and work in us through the Holy Spirit, brings us hope, peace, joy and the knowledge of the eternal security we have in Him alone. Which in turn brings comfort to us, because we understand that by faith alone, we have become children of God. And all because of what He did for us at the Cross of Calvary. Because of our faith in Jesus alone, we have become children of God and joint-heirs with Him in the kingdom of God. And through God’s process of spiritual growth in us, called “Sanctification,” which is brought about by the Holy Spirit’s work in our hearts and minds, we are equipped by God for His service. Through the work of the Holy Spirit in us, we are made into a new creation in Christ Jesus our Lord. We who were once at enmity against God, now because of our faith in Jesus alone, have received the gift of salvation, as we are adopted into the family of God and become one in Christ.
The Holy Spirit’s work of sanctification in our hearts and minds, changes our lives from the moment of our salvation until we go home to be with the Lord. The Holy Spirit’s work in us, changes us from slaves of sin, lost in this fallen world, to children of God and joint-heirs with Jesus in the kingdom of God. Moreover, through the work of the Holy Spirit in us, God prepares each and every one of us for His kingdom work. Because of our salvation we now have the privilege and honor to carry out the Lord’s calling for us, which He has planned for us, since before the foundations of the world were laid in place. And as the Lord builds us strong in His word, the Bible, we become better equipped to preach the Good News of salvation in Christ alone, through faith alone. And we do so to the glory of God the Father. Thereby bringing the light of Christ to a lost and fallen world, trapped in darkness. Therefore, we are established in the work God has called us to do, through the Holy Spirit who indwells us, because of the foundation we have in Jesus and the salvation He alone can provide. A good work which stems from the love we have for Jesus. A charity which serves as the evidence of our faith in Him, by which we bring the love of Christ to others we meet in our day to day lives.