God Promises He Will Comfort Us in Tribulation – (2nd Corinthians 1:3-4)
Bible Promise
I will always be close when you need My comfort.
Verse Text
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Reading Notes
In these passages, Paul is giving us a picture of the Triune God, as well as giving us a summary of the entire Gospel. Paul reminds us that God through Christ forgives sinners who are then strengthened and comforted by the Holy Spirit, who indwells all believers. The term, “Father of mercies” was a Jewish idiom used in reference to sinners. This was a call on God to treat sinners with mercy, love and kindness, knowing the weakness of our fallen human condition. In addition, the term “God of all comfort” was also an Old Testament description of God, whose attributes included mercy, love and patience. The word used for comfort in these passages is the Greek word “paraclete” which means “one who comes along side and comforts.” Moreover, this is another name for the Holy Spirit, who comes along side believers in our trials to comfort and strengthen us as He carries us through the trial at hand. The Holy Spirit is with the believer always, He indwells all followers of Christ as a result of our salvation. The Holy Spirit is our comforter and the guarantee of our salvation as He helps us to persevere in our faith.
The Holy Spirit walks with us, and conforms us to the image of Christ as He carries out God’s process of spiritual growth in our hearts and minds. It’s the Holy Spirit who helps us to grow in the grace and understanding of the Lord. In addition, God is the source of all mercy and the word used here for mercy also includes the idea of coming alongside someone in need, to help them, comfort them and be with them through a trial. Just as the Holy Spirit comes along side of us, we too are trained by God through the Holy Spirit and His word to come alongside those in need. To help those going through tribulation and provide comfort and support to them. The word “tribulation” means to be, “under a crushing pressure.” And because of our faith, when we are in the midst of “tribulation,” God will sustain and comfort us. God is with us through all trials, sustaining and strengthening us through the Holy Spirit who indwells all followers of Christ. He will do so in order that we continue to persevere in our faith and receive strength to finish the work He has called us to do. And because of this mercy and kindness shown to us as followers of Christ, we too are to come along others in need. By what God has taught us, we help them to persevere through their trials, as we are led by the Holy Spirit to do so.