God Promises He Will Greatly Bless Those Who Overcome – (1st John 3:2) Bible Promise


God Promises He Will Greatly Bless Those Who Overcome – (1st John 3:2)
Bible Promise
You are My children now, and you will be just like Jesus when He appears.

Verse Text
Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

Reading Notes
When Jesus returns “we shall see Him like He is!” That is to say we shall see Him in His full glory, returning as our Lord, our God and our King. And when we see Jesus face to face we shall experience our ultimate conformity to His likeness. Which is to say we shall be made perfect by Him, receiving our glorified bodies. Bodies fit to live with God and made by Him in order that we could spend eternity in the presence of Christ Jesus our Lord. And with our new glorified bodies, we shall live with Christ, and we will serve Jesus forevermore. However, in the meantime, while we await His imminent return, we are not without hope. Because of His love for us, we have been given these promises of God and we have been given the Holy Spirit, who will keep us and watch over us until we see Jesus face to face! These things and many more spiritual blessings have been freely given to us because of our faith in Jesus. These blessings are a result of our salvation, because by faith, we accepted Jesus as our Lord, our Savior and our God. And along with our salvation, we received a new spirit, one which replaced our old spirit which was dead in trespasses and sins.

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In addition, the Holy Spirit who indwells us, works with our new spirit to renew our hearts and minds as He carries out God’s process of spiritual growth called “sanctification.” And it’s through the work of the Holy Spirit in us, that we are conformed day by day, into the image of Christ Jesus our Lord. Dear believer, this is so important for us to understand because it relates back to one of the main reasons all of us have been created in the image of God. When the Bible speaks of being “created in the image of God,” it’s in part referring to the responsibility all people have to be representatives of God’s love to the people around us. In other words, each of us have been called to be “image bearers” of God’s love to all we meet, and this includes helping those in need around us. The Holy Spirit can help us to work out our sanctification, because through our faith in Jesus, we have become children of God and joint-heirs with Him in the kingdom of God. Moreover, sanctification is a lifelong process that will not be completed until we see Jesus face to face, at which time we will be made like Him. That is to say we will be given our glorified bodies and our sin nature will finally be destroyed. And it’s only then that we will be fully conformed to the person Jesus has created us to be.

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