Joel Osteen Daily Devotional
Too Busy For Joy
Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it…”
Genesis 1:28, NLT
Are you missing out on the joys of life because you are too busy? God called you to be fruitful—He never called you to be busy. Don’t get activity mixed up with productivity. Just because you are on the go and always doing things doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re fulfilling God’s best plan for your life. All work and no play is not healthy. Ask the Lord to show you which areas need to be cut back and which areas need more focus. Ask Him to show you which relationships to let go of and which relationships to develop in your life. Stop allowing the unproductive areas of your life to consume all of your time, focus and energy. As you make adjustments to bring balance to your schedule, you will have room for the activities and relationships that bring you joy and peace.
God, order my steps today. Help me to prioritize and to focus on those things that honor You and fulfill Your plan for my life. There may be relationships, commitments, and activities that I have to let go of-give me the courage to do so. I want to slow down, restore balance and experience more joy in my life!