Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing


Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

by Chuck Musselwhite

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing I Daily Walk Devotion

‭‭Are you a person that is easily distracted? Do you feel a little lost when it comes to the direction of your life? Most of us have struggled with those. When we look for help in those areas, people will tell us we need to focus and have a plan, which leaves us in the same place, just more confused. Jesus tells us the keep the main thing the main thing. Love Jesus with everything you have.

Matthew‬ ‭22:37‬

“He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”

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Jesus said the two greatest commandments are to love the Lord your God with all your heart and to love your neighbor. It needs to go in that order too. If you try to love your neighbor but give nothing in your love for the Lord, you will be out of balance. When we keep the main thing the main thing, it makes the other stuff much more manageable. If you love God with everything you have, you will have the love necessary for your neighbor.

Check Your Heart

It starts with our heart. Our heart has to be fully surrendered to God in order to love him completely. That means that Jesus is at the center and the focus of our hearts. When our heart is devoted to the Lord, we are much more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and our desire to help others expands. To surrender our heart, we need to remove any other idols that might compete with Jesus. How do you know what those are? Ask yourself what you spend the most time with and where you spend most of your expendable income. You will find your idols there. Then crucify those and ask the Lord to replace them.

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The Complete Package

We also need to love the Lord with our soul and mind. These two complete the three parts of a man. The heart is where our emotions lie, the mind is where our thoughts are generated, and the soul is the life in us. Every area of our life needs to be committed to Jesus. Our thoughts are to be on things above, and the breath of our life (soul) is dedicated to glorifying him. Roman 12:1 says we are to be a living sacrifice, which means we keep on living, but we have given all of our life to the Lord.

See also  Chuck Musselwhite | The Light that Leads to Life I Daily Walk Devotion

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