TOPIC: The Contrast Between Wise & Folly, Good & Evil and Righteous & Wicked
READ: Proverbs Chapter 14
Our world is a world of choices. The part you take determines your reward on earth.
Every woman builds a house but a foolish woman tears down her house with her hands: Generally, we are all building something. For anything to stand, it must be built and the builder must build with wisdom.
Wisdom builds, understanding brings balance, and knowledge brings wealth into the building.
For every person, whatever you build must be done with wisdom. Anything that must be built must be built with wisdom or else the foundation will be faulty.
By nature, women can build anything but nature still insist anything women must build must be built with wisdom.
There are three layers of building wisdom.
1) Builds with knowledge: This is gathering facts and developing superior intelligence. Although, gathering facts is not enough because we are spirit men. Therefore, we must go beyond fact and acquire more superior knowledge which is called Spiritual Intelligence.
The fact can say you are sick but spiritual intelligence can say you are strong through revelation. So, if you have no revelation you can be a prisoner of circumstances on this earth. As a married woman, if you have no revelation about your family life you will not be able to build a peaceful home. As a business person if you have no revelation about your business you will be disadvantaged. We are in a world where spirit helps men. Every man that has an advantage did not have it by just their educational prowess there must be a spirit propelling and manifesting those advantages. For you to have uncommon results on earth there must be somewhat spirit bringing that excellence.
So, before you start that business, that family, and that new life you need to equip yourself with enough knowledge and revelations about it.
2) Build by understanding: This is getting abreast with the facts you have gathered over time. Now you need to understand the facts you have gathered. It is possible to know but use it the wrong way. Understanding is coming to a stage of clarity. When you understand your husband you would have a peaceful home. When you have an understanding of your business your business will flourish and things will become easy for you.
3) Application: If you have knowledge and clarity but do not apply it then that is foolishness. Application is the ability to put to work that which you now know. When you come to the level of application that is when you get to the level of prudence. You also need to know when and where to apply the knowledge and clarity you have. Now that you know what to do, you need to apply it with wisdom so that you will not act foolishly. Evaluate yourself, how much knowledge have you gotten about what you are doing? How much clarity have you gotten about what you are leading? How well have you applied your knowledge and understanding to what you are doing?
1) By ignorance: People out of foolishness destroy because they lack knowledge. Ignorance is high where there is foolishness. Out of ignorance people have wasted opportunities, scattered relationships, and destroyed lives.
2) By rejection of knowledge: If you do not know and you don’t want to know, then who will help you? Some people out-rightly reject knowledge. What pains God the most is the fact that they reject knowledge. Some behave like they have knowledge but they know nothing and they are not willing to learn. The fear of the Lord is what brings wisdom but fools will refuse it. They will refuse instructions and doctrines and they will rather prefer to remain in their foolishness.
3) Stupidity means lack of good sense: This is a lack of good sense which is the opposite of intelligence. Ecclesiastes 10:5
Proverbs 14:2 – He that walks in righteousness fears the Lord but he that is a pervert in his ways despises Him.
Proverbs 14:5 – A faith witness will not lie but a false witness will alter lies.
Proverbs 14:11 – The house of the wicked will be overthrown but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.
Proverbs 14:12 – There is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof is death.
Proverbs 14:14 – The backslider in heart shall be filled with His ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.
Proverbs 14:17 He that his son is angry deals foolishly: A man of wicked devices is hated.
Proverbs 14: 19 – Evil will bow before the good; and the wicked at the gate of righteous.
Proverbs 14:32 – The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: But the righteous has hope in his death.
Proverbs 14:34 – Righteousness exalted a nation: But sin is a reproach to any people.
Righteousness is what makes a nation flourish. And what makes a nation righteous is the people inside it that produce fruits and characters of righteousness.
Any nation can become righteous when the people in it become righteous beyond its leaders. So, we should not wait for our leaders to become righteous we should become righteous. As long as the people in a nation are corrupt and perverted, sin will reign over that nation.
If only everybody will embrace righteousness, truth, and equity, righteousness will reign in that nation. So, it has to do with an individual, it does not begin with your president or your parliament, it begins with you as an individual. The reason why sin and corruption take dominance in our society is because believers engage in unrighteousness.
The reason societies are plunging into darkness is because believers have not risen in light. The Bible says we are the light of the world.
1) Righteousness is understanding the ways of God and walking in the ways of God. Read Psalm 103:7, Isaiah 45:13, Micah 4:1-2.
2) Righteousness is your ability to act in accordance with divine and moral laws. Your ability to act in accordance with divine laws that govern Zion and moral laws that govern society. If they say don’t be a latecomer to your church likewise don’t be a latecomer at your job. Your ability to govern yourself and make yourself abide by these laws is what makes a man righteous. Don’t be a leader that will tell the subordinate to come by 5 but he will come by 5:30, rather you should be there by 5 or 4 o’clock. As a leader, you must be able to live by your own rules and lead by example. Read Deuteronomy 8:6, Joshua 22:5,
3) Righteousness is the ability to perpetually be on the Lord’s side: Meaning being in the right standing with God. Even if the whole world decides to follow a part you should be on the Lord’s side. Even if everybody is saying this is good and God is saying this is bad you should be on God’s side. Do not follow popular opinions. Read Exodus 32:19 -26, Joshua 24:16
4) Righteousness is having a right standing with God: Read Hebrew 11:5, and Colossian 4:12.
5) Righteousness is having faith and belief in God and the finished work of Christ: Your faith and belief in God and the finished work of Christ. Our faith in Christ is what makes us righteous. The righteousness that was accounted to us and inputted to us because of our faith in Jesus Christ. Read Romans 4:3, James 2:23 and Romans 3:20-22
In conclusion, as believers let us begin to live our lives with renewed moral behaviour to shape our society through the light of God in us.
The Spectacular Church 31 Days Of Wisdom Day 14
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