The Spectacular Church: 31 Days of Wisdom Day 21: Proverbs 21 – Life And Conduct by Pastor By IK Obeta

The Spectacular Church 31 DAYS OF WISDOM DAY 3 by Pastor Michael Agbamoro.

TOPIC: Life And Conduct


1) The scripture talks about God as a king above any other king. A king that directs the hearts of kings to do his will. This means you can’t find favour in man except God touches his heart. Read Daniel 4: 29 – 37. In this passage God made King Nebuchadnezzar know that all he has achieved as a king he achieved through God. God can use anybody to do his will. God only operate by his will. If you pray that God should ask someone to favour you, if that supposed person is not in the will of God to favour you, that prayer will not work. God can use anybody to bring down age long situation of your life. Read Isaiah 45:1-3: God can use anybody, including an unbeliever, to do his will. Read Daniel 5:30-31 The heart of the king is in God’s hand meaning, the heart of your boss, your husband, your wife, your father, your mother and your helper is in the hand of God and God can steer it as He pleases. Also, as long as it is in the will of God for them to help you, at the appointed time God will steer their heart to God.

2) No wisdom or counsel in the realm of men or spirits can stand against the purpose of God. Proverbs 21:30-31. No matter the level of humans’ advancement in knowledge and understanding their knowledge and understanding can never be superior to God’s. Read Isaiah 14:27 No matter the intelligence of men, the purpose of God must always stand. Read Psalm 68:1-2 As long as a thing is not the will of God, that will scatter because whatever is not in the will of God is an enemy of God. Do not be confused by what you see on earth, our intelligence is small compared to God’s intelligence.

See also  The Spectacular Church: 31 Days of Wisdom Day 12: Proverbs 12 - The DSDP of Wisdom by Pastor Michael Agbamoro

3) God is the only one who has the capabilities and abilities. Proverbs 21: 31 the passage simply means you will do your due diligence as you should, but there are certain aspects of your life that you have no control over. For example, a farmer will plant seeds and hope for rain which can only happen by God’s wish and command. You can prepare yourself for a future but it is not certain that you will be alive to see that future. This simply means God is the only one who is unlimited, humans are limited. There is a limitation to our excellence, ascension, and zenith, only God can never be limited. As humans, instead of worrying about things you have no control over, why not focus on things you can control and trust God to control that which you can not control? Where the capability of man ends, that is where God shows up.

4) It is the supremacy of God to weigh the motives and actions of men. God is omini-knowest you cannot deceive Him. Every man’s way is right in his own eyes but God looks beyond your actions and weighs your motives. Obedience is better than sacrifice, God is not moved by sacrifice but by intentions and motives that propelled your actions. People can pray and do a lot of assumed holy things and not get results according to James 4:3 this is because your motive is wrong. When you say you love God, God is looking at the intent of your heart. Therefore, when you fast, the fasting and prayer do not move God, what moves God is your intention. Practically, you can study the word of God for hours just to brag that you have studied the word of God. You could fast for 40 days just to feel among when others are saying they fasted for forty days. You can sow seed just to enable you to brag that you sow seed to your local assembly. Your actions are right but the motives disqualified you from receiving the blessings of God. Whatever God enables you to do in His vineyard, consider it a privilege that God deemed you worthy to carry out such an assignment in his kingdom Read 1 Samuel 16:7


1) Lack of proper planning or making hasty speculations and decisions. Not delaying gratifications before making decisions. Especially when making financial decisions. You can never run out of planning. When you don’t plan, you plan to fail. Lack of an adequate plan can make you lose a fruitful season of your life.

See also  The Spectacular Church: 31 Days of Wisdom Day 15: Proverbs 15 - Expression of Wisdom by Evang. Solomon

2) Dishonesty, lying or cheating: example of this is defrauding people and any form or ways of attempting to be successful in an unclean way.

2) Love for pleasure or a luxurious lifestyle: There is a level GOD will take you to that you could conveniently live a luxurious lifestyle. But if you have not gotten to the level of luxury, stay at your level and cut your clothes according to your size. Do not live above your means it brings poverty upon you. The problem with the prodigal son was not the fact that he demanded for his inheritance but the fact that he spent his inheritance on pleasure.

See also  The Spectacular Church: 31 Days of Wisdom Day 30: Proverbs 30 - 5 BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF WISDOM AS WRITTEN BY EGO by Pastor IK Obeta

3) Lack of investment: Lack of investment brings men to poverty. Everything God gives you there is a part to save and a part to spend. A good parent will lay up treasure for his children’s children.

4) Laziness: The hands of the lazy man refuse to labour. Laziness is taking forever to do what you are supposed to do. Moving at a slow pace and not with the speed of light and cannot achieve anything in destiny. DESTINY IS TIME SENSITIVE. If you are not proactive you will waste a lot of time and you won’t maximize destiny.


1) He who guides his mouth and guides his tongue guides himself from trouble. Watch the kind of content you put out on social media. Your life should be too precious to be associated with trivial things. Avoid saying or doing things that could come back to haunt you when you rise to prominence. Do a detox on your social media account and purge it of all the content that could put you in a bad light in the future.

The Spectacular Church 31 DAYS OF WISDOM DAY 3 by Pastor Michael Agbamoro.

The Spectacular Church: 31 Days Of Wisdom Day 21

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