The Way of Peace


The Way of Peace

Isaiah 59:8 (NIV), Luke 1:78-79 (NLT)
The way of peace they do not know; there is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into crooked roads; no one who walks in them will know peace. *Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.

Author PhotoIn the Bible, peace refers to quietness, rest, wholeness and prosperity. Peace is a major part of your inheritance as God’s child. Jesus has paid the price for you to always have peace, Isa.53:5. Jesus also assures us that it is His own peace that He has given to us, John 14:27. It is a superior kind of peace compared to what the world thinks they have. Even in the midst of storms, we do not only have God’s peace, but we can also overcome those storms with God’s peace. God loves us so much and He always wants us to abide in His peace. He doesn’t want us to be troubled or anxious about anything. He wants us to know how to declare His peace over storms like Jesus did (Mark 4:39) and to receive His peace in the place of prayers, Phil.4:6. He wants to always guide us to experience peace in every area of our lives.

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In our second text above, Zechariah was prophesying about the coming of Christ. Christ’s coming and presence in your life is a guarantee for your walking in the way or continual experience of God’s peace. No matter how the people of this world try, they can never experience the kind of peace we have in Christ. Their empty efforts to experience peace only leads them into greater trouble and turbulence. In addition to having faith in Christ and being able to pray and stir up God’s peace, walking in God’s ways allows us to continually experience His peace. The righteous ways of God are the ways of peace. Worrying like people of the world do doesn’t add to your height or help you make progress in life. When we trust in God’s love and focus on pleasing Him, those things will be added, Matt.6:27-34.

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PRAYER: I thank You, Jehovah Shalom, for the peace of Christ that I have. I receive Your grace to walk in Your ways and enjoy Your peace always.

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